

So I just kind of want to do a quick about me obligatory post. I have heard mixed reviews on these… some say its important to set the tone of your blog while others say no one reads this section. I feel like a quick intro is enough and over time I will get more specific. Also Im still just trying this blogging thing out, so Im just winging this whole thing!

The Fam

I am turning 40 in just a few months (stayed tuned for that little freak out!) Haha!! I have been with my guy since 2005 (minus a little time apart here and there). Hes seriously the funniest guy I know and such an incredible dad! I have 4 sons ages 17, 15, 10, and 3 and I am also a bonus mom to a 22 year old boy and a 20 year old girl. I just recently became a Jemma (ok grandma but I like Jemma better!!) to the sweetest little- yeah you guessed it!! A boy!! Even my dog is a boy.


Ive lived in a few different places… born in Indiana, lived in Michigan and Kansas for a few years. Ive been in Oklahoma (mostly in Del City) since 2005. My family has gotten to do a little traveling with kids travel baseball teams- some really fun trips and amazing memories.

The Plan

In all the research I did into starting this blog, almost everything I read said to choose a niche (like a “topic” so to speak). It seemed to emphasize picking only one niche but I am not even sure if thats like a legit rule or just a suggestion to beginners not to get overwhelmed. Because when I think of what I would like to cover- I cant really imagine having enough to say about 1 topic to even keep a blog up. Another piece of advice I read in one place (and I wish I could remember where) was- Dont overthink this! Just start! Dont waste a ton of time doing research (which I have already done)… just start and learn as you go. so thats what Im doing!

Some of the things…

Pretty much everything I plan on talking about here will tell you SO much about me! Im a stay at home mom and have been for probably the majority of the last 18 years. I am in no way shape or form a professional at this but I have probably learned a few things along the way so Im sure I will talk about parenting and kids A LOT. My toddler was just recently diagnosed with Autism and I plan on sharing this new journey with yall too! I have learned so much in a really short period of time! I have wanted to be a photographer and a writer for as long as I can remember. Ive done a few photo shoots and I cannot wait to do more! And one of my goals for this year was to really give writing a book a serious attempt. So I bet photography and writing will be on here too! Lets see what else… oh I am a horrible cook! I have been trying to add some new foods into our rotation- so stay tuned to see if I can figure it out- or I set the kitchen on fire! And in case you didnt notice the name of this blog- CannaMom Chaos… I am a “canna” connoisseur. I highly recommend smoke breaks as a way to decompress and I truly believe it makes me a better mom. I am really interested in becomming more educated in this area and learning new ways to enhance the relaxing experience!

Here we go!!

I am seriously excited to start on this journey! I hope I can keep it fun enough that maybe a few people might want to follow along! I guess we will see! I have a crazy busy life and I am hoping that by sharing it maybe something I say will help someone out a little in their own life- and vice versa- maybe someone will teach me something!

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